It comes to this. I find myself working on a varient of The Bicycle. Knew it would happen. Look at it, Have we slipped back to the end of the nineteenth century? Is this the best we can do?
Still, it's electric (assisted). Starting in a good place. But lets skip the next hundred years of repeat bicycle evolution Nich Var?

Hi Royce Sorry although I
Hi Royce Sorry although I regard you for your contributions to this site, I regard the integrity of the site even more, and you posting such a crass image of a very poorly executed vehicle should be deplored, and of such a poor standard, I cant believe it , 4 seats, and not one cup holder, beggars belief, no wonder you never got far with the voyager. Obviously you have to much time on your hands, so I will steer you back on course with a discussion regards aerodynamics, a subject you have ruminated over the years, and would appreciate your input, and anybody else's, for that matter, as I am now constructing a proper body, and would like to incorporate this as part of the design, earlier than later, and although I have my own take on this, it would be good to see other peoples perspective on a subject I must admit i am totally out of my depth with, but this has never stopped me.
I planned to patent my own version of a (Dynamic Positioning System) for my own FF over 20 years ago, to alleviate issues with all vehicles, as the more I understood, the more ignorant I became, about the difficulties to overcome,and basically just sought a solution, rather than a complete understanding, of something i have struggled with at grass root level, as the saying goes, up shit creak without a paddle. I accept the more you understand a subject, the better you are able to manipulate and adapt it to your needs, but a pigeon manages to do a vertical takeoff, despite the rulebook saying its a no no, so my own pigeon brain solution is just as the saying goes, up shit creak, use a paddle/fin/rudder to realign, and adjust your direction automatically.
Example 1 enclosed FF at 70 mph in still air, 2 of intakes either side of the centreline x apart x high and x back, recording equal pressure either side of the hull, connected to both sides of a diaphragm, all i am looking at is a differential, greater pressure one side /less on the other a change of state, small actuator, interprets this signal, sens a signal, and out comes the paddle at position x back x size x, wind stops paddle moves back, automatic simple and easy. Example 2 Rudder located on top of vehicle, on the centreline, size x position x same scenario down stream. Example 3 As per example 1 but the actual body Morphs, distorts, and the resultant shape causes a pressure change to produce a direction change. Ignoring real life scenarios, just for now, passing trucks, in a bad wind, etc, the main issues to understand, is any changes other than the wind is the speed of the vehicle itself, a perfectly acceptable sized paddle at 30 miles an hour will have a catastrophic effect at 100 miles an hour, and although i can see an easy solution to this particular issue, there are a lot more issues still to resolve, but for me, done correctly, i think will result in a more stable vehicle overall than without, but that's my take, what's yours. Royce do not say you were going to fit ash trays instead, that's so retro. yours Dave
Quite right!
Absolutely agree with you on this HPV. Relieved to tell you that it belongs to the NHS doctor next door and I'm just servicing it. Have pointed out to the owner that the only seat always in use is the only one with no backrest or even decent base and is of course too high. If it was a moped it would have failed the MOT...
Regards your aerodynamic theory I'd have to note that 'movable aerodynamic devices' have been banned in motor racing since the mid-seventies, with good reason. Although - there is some similarity to an air brake system Malcome and I came up with to ease the braking problem on his Z1300's. The key to this was that the resultant braking load would always be down the centre-line of the vehicle regardless of wind direction. Fortunately brakes got better...
It's just not possible to predict all the aero effects that can occur in different situations and by 80 mph there's enough energy in the airflow to seriously impact on control if it's going wrong. Modern vehicle aero's are about low drag obviously but much of the detailing is about separating airflow from the shape to eliminate the possiblity of such problems. It's possible to get airlfow disturbances so fast and energetic that any mechanical system would fail. Airships and canvas covered airfraft are speed limited because it's not possible to prevent 'flutter' with a flexible surface.
Keep things that fly and things that don't, separate!