Trib in his Honda Vultus 700

Andy Tribble in the Honda NM4 Vultus 700 that he acquired last year and which he rode up to Peterborough from Gosport, near Portsmouth. With 47bhp on tap It should prove more robust than the poor little 17bhp Honda Helix CN250s that he's been thrashing to death all over Europe for the past few years. The Vultus doesn't actually use any more juice than a Helix at highway speeds either. It sipped through only one (imperial) gallon (4.54 litres) in 64 miles riding down the A1 at 60-85mph, while my old Honda Silver Wing 600 gulped down half as much again going at exactly the same speeds! The sleek panniers are a standard Honda option, but the rack and screen are not. PNB
Photo: © Paul Blezard May 2022

Trib in his Honda Vultus 700