
Ok, it's only got two wheels, it's not electric and it wasn't built sixty odd years ago, sorry about that! At least it's an FF, with a minimum seat height of 240mm it's well inside the traditional 500mm limit.

Not being electric it's got a fuel tank and here it is, pretty much where it was obviously going to go. Looks quite close to the exhaust, but planned intakes will supply ram air to a double skinned heat shield that should take care of any excess heat transfer. The towelling on top of the tank (and the filler on the other side) is to allow the tank sealant to finish curing ("at least 72 hours") while preventing any foreigh object ingress.

There's a solution to Rotaxes unfortunate exhaust positioning; turn the engine through 90 degrees and put a shaft drive on the output sprocket, then the exhaust sticks out of one side. This would also work with the Rotax/Aprillia V4 option, you'd have a pair of pipes out of each side, like a proper racer - to go with the proper power output..

Maybe next time?
