6 FFs at the 2018 Riberac Reunion

6 of the 9 FFs that attended the 2018 Riberac Reunion.
From left to right:
Honda DN01 ( ridden by Tudor Thomas, from ClassicBikeProvence.com)
Foale-ish Norton Commando ( built and ridden by Jan Nelder​)
Pete Lawrence​ Delta 930 ( owned and fettled by Colin Ferguson​)
The original Wilson's demonstrator Quasar 850 ( recently purchased and mastered by Louis Thompson​ and ridden on to Spain and back to Blighty)
The original SCL Voyager 850 Demonstrator (Owned and ridden by Graham Robb)
Honda CN250 Fusion (Owned and ridden by Andy Tribble​). A low-mileage Japanese import. (Also known as the Helix and Spazio elsewhere).
There were 3 other FFs at the event; photos to follow.
Photo: Rob Ring, our host for the weekend!

6 FFs at the 2018 Riberac Reunion