Front structure almost done
As it says on the tin, almost done. There's a piece of sheet metal to go on the rear face (facing the camera here), joining up all those aheet edges, but it's integrated with the chassis tubes running back to the centre section and that's the next bit. I may make the front lower fork next though. for some light relief - 12 guage box section is easier to fabricate than the big, thin, sheet sections used in this structure. Those flanged holes are the result of having a lathe to make the press tools for the fly press. Lighter, Stiffer, Huzzah!
Obviously this job would go a lot faster if it was the priority task but paid work fortunately intervenes. In engineering patience isn't a virtue it's an essential ingredient. An incoming re-organistation of the workshop area is likely to also delay progress a bit. This workshop space will become the stores so the tattered drawing on the wall behind this structure - FJ's master chassis drawing - will disappear begind a storage unit. I'm not worried though, The longer it takes the cheaper and more available batteries and motors will be.