Malcolm Newell riding a Quasar

Co-creator of the Quasar, Malcolm Newell, riding the machine that was his personal steed for some time. This photo was probably taken in the late 1970s. This Quasar ended up in the Bristol Industrial Museum, coloured beige and brown, for many years, before being sold to an Italian museum who had it repainted in its original and far more striking black and orange colours. It is now owned and frequently ridden by Louis Thompson. PNB

Photo of John 'the light' Malfoy with this machine coloured beige & brown, in 1997, here:
Photo of Louis Thompson in this Quasar in 2019 here:

This photo: original source unknown. It appeared on the 'Faster & Faster' Facebook group December 2022 and was reposted to the FF FB group.
Cropped and tweaked by PNB.

Malcolm Newell riding a Quasar