Side view of XZ550 Phasar in 2022
A side view of the XZ550 as it is in 2022, and as described by Mike Ryan to the FF Facebook group on June 17th. Again, to save the need for a magnifying glass, this is what Mike's blurb says:
"After sorting out the parts for the Phasar today my feelings are that my heart is not really in this build at the moment. I know exactly why and the reason is that the Quasar is distracting me and that's what I want to be doing. I may view it all differently in the morning but if I don’t, the two options will to be put the Phasar away for a year or two or sell it to someone who would be excited to take it on. It’s the very last Phasar with good provenance."
As mentioned in the advertisement also reproduced in this folder, there is another complete, standard, XZ550 offered as part of the sale.
Screenshot of Facebook post; original photo: Mike Ryan

Phasar. Provenance. In the same sentance. Love it!