6FFs + 5FFish Scoots in Y2K
A second photo of the 11 machines that we lined up at the Severn Bridge Services during the MNMMR back in 2000. This one is from a slide (transparency) I took, which was only digitally scanned recently, 23 years later!
NB: My Mk1 silver Burgman AN400 is almost hidden behind Colin Russell's red Voyager. PNB
Photo: © Paul Blezard May 2000
The two Burgmans
The two identical black Burgmans were Julian Bond's, and mine. We had great fun trying to keep up with Royce on the way home. Royce was chasing a Porsche IIRC. Colin Ferguson
Porsche chasing Royce!
Judging by the 3 photos in this folder, it was more a case of the Porsche chasing Royce! IIRC, Royce's son Paul took the photos. PNB
See here: https://bikeweb.com/node/1259
As a matter of fact...
Oddly enough there's no way I could keep up with Baker pedelling a Carrera with competition tyres so Chris waved me past after a while which is where the photo's came from (Paul "I would have takedn more pics but I couldn't hold the camera up under the G loada"). However I did start to get away a bit in the last set of twisties and then escaped onto the dual carriagway towardss the bridge in traffic. Chris then got a bit over-excited. locked up coming past me into the bridge roundabout and got a big snake on that required another lap of the roundabout, allowing me to 'win' the race back to the services.
Fj is pretty competitive with motorised bicycles but it's not realistic to expect a Reliant engine and two wheels to keep up with more litres and wheels in an overtly sporting package. FJ is, remember,'horribly pedestrian'
Bit old now too. Where's the bloody modern e-powered replacement? BMW, what are you doing?
You had to be there.
Thus proving, Paul, that a picture is not always worth a thousand words.