An Eco in Scotland (2023)

Two Eco pilots on board the only Ecomobile in Scotland: Paul Blezard and Andy Tribble. At the time, (May 2023), it belonged to Jim Ewan, but it has since been acquired by former Voyager owner Colin Russell, who did a deal with Jim to pass his red Voyager on to him. So this Eco (No.5050) is now in Lincolnshire – one of only two in the UK – and the Voyager is now in Bonnie Scotland. PNB
For pix of that red Voyager, V01, see here:

An Eco in Scotland (2023)

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Brain Fart.

Come on Blez, you know that's bollocks. Colin Russell has now got the Ecomobile. Jim has currently got the Voyager in a million pieces, and starting the rebuild.

A confusion of Colins!

Apologies Mr Ferguson. A simple confusion of Colins – now corrected! PNB