2 C1-Lits – Real & Imagined (RHS, 2024)

This image of the real C1-Lit prototype (left) and the new and uglier CGI version (right) is taken from the Litmotors website where it appears under the heading:
'Answering your most asked question' followed by:
‘If you are new to Lit Motors, or if you've been a long-time fan but haven't been keeping up, you've likely wondered: "What's taking so long?" ‘
Read about the explanations for the delays and the new developments here:

Seeing the two images side-by-side explains, I think, why the CGI image has changed from the more shapely original (and the more shapely original 2010 prototype) – it’s simply a more realistic rendition of how the final product is likely to appear – assuming it ever makes it to production of course. PNB
Image: screenshot from litmotors website (dated March 2024)

2 C1-Lits – Real & Imagined (RHS, 2024)