
Some interesting older FFs on an interesting site:

Douglas Self's site is worth visiting - a few familiar FFs - and a few that I don't think I've seen here before. The rest of his site is a wonderful time sink...

Two-Wheeled Cars

Bullshit of the year contender

I confidently nominate BMW for Bullshit of the Year award for this entry on EMN.

Worth reading for a number of interesting comments, such as bigging up Low CG and using the term 'Feet First riding position'. Anyone launching an electric FF could use much of this blurb verbatim. If I was an optimist (rather than an old cynic) I could almost suspect that whoever writes this rubbish is a closet FF proponent - unlike whoever designed the C/-Evo/04/02

New laptop battery packs for EV FFs

Hi I bought all these pre Covid, all brand new, straight out of the warehouse, as I couldn’t afford a Tesla pack. Work issues aside, I quickly established building my own pack was a very time consuming undertaking on such a large scale, (over 800 packs) and so those of you who know me, I have now invested in Jaguar i Pace modules, as my best option.

Electric FF update

Hi a couple of links on youtube FF 1st ride out and FF 1st ride back with 15 kwh pack, battery's from Jaguar i Pace

something missing?

Astonishingly, BMW have revealed their CE04 electric 'scooter' without having resolved what to do with the tail section. So there isn't one.

Siezing this opportunitiy I will be happy to offer to design, build and fit an FF tail section, complete with seatback, passenger facility and lockable luggage space. For money.

Vetrix electric

Hi I don't know if anybody is interested, but their is a Vetrix VX1 Bergman type electric scooter for sale on speakEV the guy is asking £800, (battery's are shot) usually replaced by Leaf cells, and it may just be of some use, to somebody just dipping their toes into converting a basic electric scooter, into an FF. I know nothing about these vehicles, but Winkle Brown Blez has very probably ridden one, and can hopefully give us a full SP on the viability of such a project being a good proposition, or one to miss. All the best Dave

Historic vehicle survey results

As most FFs in this country were built by 'millenialls' or 'war babies' like me, it follows that many of them qualify as 'historic vehicles' - more than 30 years old. Like FJ, and all the Voyagers and Quasars, Phasars, slugs and other forma of similar life. So this comprehensive report may be of some interest, not least in outlining the significant industry such vehicles generate. It's directly related to the 'car builder' community, 'custom' bikes and motor racing.

Electric FF for Sale

Hi Everybody

Jon.Hall's picture

TRX850FF - mortal remains

Pic attached is last memento of the TRX850FF - top wishbone assembly...

See comments elsewhere,

All the best

Jon Hall

"The C.1 Story"

I may be the last person here to have seen this, if not Youtube has this piece from something called bigcar and an unamed narrator that's worth a look for two reasons

One, it's an example of journalism at it's worse, it's English but it completely ignores any English contributions to the genesis of the C.1 except for;-

BMW vapourware

Here's a link to some BMW vapourware, of almost zero significance. It looks like some student has stumbled across the C.1 project.

Maybe they'll also find the CE04/link project in the fullness of time. I wish I could afford to waste time like this!

Ken Leaman

Dear FF community,

As we approach the first anniversary of the passing of Ken Leaman, on behalf of Malcolm Newell’s family, I wanted to say a few words of appreciation and recognition. Ken, a former aircraft engineer, through much hard work and hassle, helped develop, define, and produce Dad’s vision of the Quasar. Although coming from “totally different worlds”, both men were on the same creative wavelength. While their formal Quasar relationship finished in 1981, their friendship continued. When Dad died suddenly in 1994, Ken had been “waiting to get back” to the project.

FF in VMCC magazine shock

January's Vintage Motorcycle (VMMC) Magazine features a piece on a Mr. John Harding, a builder of multiple 'Specials'. one of which is actually an FF, a basic cut'n shut of an RD400. Bodyless and similar to the several simple cut'n shuts built in the late seventies - John Bruce's BSA being probably the best known. Mr. Hardings example is chiefly notable for the extreme increase in wheelbase and he unsurprisingly complains about low speed handling. More interesting is that it was built in the nineties, after "Wide discussion" in the motorcycle press.

This is fun...

I'm very happy to put up this piece by the world's leading FF race expert. It's a bonanza for social media trolls everywhere, enough material to keep them off the streets forever. For those on the street, race or otherwise, Rob offers some really interesting innovations in dynamics, extending the FF performance envelope. Think before you troll. This guy has actually raced this stuff. Great thing racing. Put up or Shut up.
Nice one Rob. A happy holiday and a better new year;-

Oh! Almost there...

EMN again - (at least it's current news not history) Scroll down this link to see them almost do an FF electric Cargo Scooter! They got the electric, the seatback, the cargo box... So near! So uninspired.

Electric Motorcycle News runs FF article

Electric Motorcyckle News (EMN) run a piece by Beligian designer Eric Viomens extolling trhe virtues of Feet First two wheelers, expressly in relation to Electric power. There's visulisations, vapourware and a photo of steel, being welded. Norman Hossack will be proud to see his front suspension system displayed. It's all the usal FF stuff but good to see a new take on the subject and excellent to see it in a non-FF publication. Good luck Eric! I'll buy him a beer(If they'll let him in and there are any pubs left and he'll probably have to bring the beer...).

Some costs

In my probably pointless pursuit of an electric powered replacement for my ancient Voyager, I've established some cost estimates for an electric powertrain roughly equivelent to BMW's C-Evo (long range version) - comfortably enough to produce Voyager-levels of performance, if not range. These are from local E-bicycle* enthusiasts and battery specialists.


Hi I have just to many projects, so if anybody wants to take this over, they are welcome to it for free. I was obviously going to convert it to a lightweight electric FF, and although i bought a nice motor and controller, ( these do not come with the bike ) it never got started. Basically its a Sachs 125cc just as it is in pics, all the front end has gone, i only had to cut through one tube to set it free, and i may have a few more pieces available, just found a headlight, but you don't get the blue box, i just used headlights to drain battery's for testing.

Even more interesting Peraves video

Anyone contemplating designing, building or buying anything like one of these Monoracers should watch (several times) this video. So much detail. We could have done with camera work like this thirty ears ago!

Caution. May be a bit modern for this site.

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